Sunday 14 September 2014


Designed to hit nails was what
hammer was created to do
right? For instance, the hammer is left
in the tool
box day in day out
without being used. It doesn’t care.
why? Because it is lifeless.
Now imagine a similar hammer with a
life and self-consciousness in the same
tool box always. The hammer will not
feel okay but
does not know what
exactly the problem is, but feels
something is not
Then one day someone takes the hammer
out of the
box to break some branches
for firewood. The hammer becomes
excited he`s
been brought out of the dark
tool box and being used for some work.
But the
unfortunate thing is that
after all this has been done, the hammer
still feels
dissatisfied because
he feels something is still missing.
In subsequent days, the same hammer is
used for
other purposes yet feels
excited, dissatisfied and still expecting
Suddenly, he is picked up
and used to hit a nail. Wow, the hammer
extremely happy and very
satisfied. Wonder why? Because he now
understands the purpose for which he
was created and that is to hit nails. Any
things that he did in the
past were limited in comparison but
after been used
to hit a nail just
once, he came to realise what he had
been looking
for all that while.
Have you ever thought of what your
purpose in life
is? Have you ever
wondered what you were created for? If
haven’t, then let me put it
across to you that we were created for
the purpose
of worship and communion
with God. Being in communion with God
is like
being in a relationship with
God and that’s the best of relationships
because it is
the only
relationship that can get us where we
are headed
safely. It is the only
relationship that can give us true
because without God we can
never get true satisfaction.
Most of us may have gone through tough
grown up the hard way
struggling to make ends meet yet
productive comes of our struggle,
not because we have not given it our
best shots but
because we have not
realised our ultimate purpose in life.
There are
times when we are very
happy because of the wonderful and
experiences we have but we are
still dissatisfied because we have not
hit the nail
As I earlier said, we might have been
through a lot
but yet not succeeded.
It is because we have not realised what
we were
ultimately designed for.
Whenever we keep God away or out of
our lives, we
never get true happiness
even after trying to find fulfilment in
other aspects
of life.
Just like the hammer, we keep hitting
branches, and concrete slabs
always thinking that the more we do it,
we will get
answers to our
problems, forgetting that we do it just
for the fun of
it and our problems
are never solved. Have you ever
wondered why?
The greatest desire we should ever have
is to have a
communion with God.
Why? Because it is our principal purpose
in life.
That is what we were
created for. Take note that with God all
things are
possible and remember
too that God never forsakes his
As you go to bed every night, ask
yourself, “Have I
hit the nail?”. Don’t
run after worldly things because you
met them here
and you will leave them
here. We shall be called to answer
someday sooner or later
neither you nor I know when. Let your
God be your
Thank you for reading and May the Good
continue to bless you.
Karim Ewura Adams

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